The Vicissitude A book by
D. Dean Hanna
  About the Author  
The Vicissitude

D. Dean Hanna was born in El Paso Texas on April 6, 1969. He attended two different elementary schools there, the second was Vista Hills Elementary school which he attended from 2nd through 6th grade. From age 11 through 17, Dean spent every summer on his cousin’s ranch, 60 miles east of El Paso. When he was 13 (1982) his father transferred to Phoenix Arizona where Dean attended 8th through 12th grade.

At age 18, he married his first wife Carolyn, which he had two daughters with. Ten years later Carolyn and he divorced and he met and had two children with Jennifer, although they never married. He did split with Jennifer in 2002 and in 2003 he met Alicia. They married in the summer of 2004 and split in May of 2005.

He met Natalie in early 2006 and had a relationship with her through August of 2007. In December of 2007 Dean met Cathy on a dating web site. Before their first date Dean discovered that he used to work with her father. This made things go easy and her more comfortable on the first date. It was not until Mid January that they had their second date. Dean is currently with her (January of 2012).

Dean was raise with very strong Christian beliefs however he has always been very open minded and believes in some things that some Christians refuse to believe because it is not in the bible. Dean has always believed that the universe is just too large for us to be here all alone. He was fascinated by UFOs all his life but he never was a fanatic about it.

Dean attended some college course and received some occupational certificates, but never earned a higher level degree of any kind. In 1988 he was hired on with a large commercial airlines which employed him until 1999, he resigned due to an injury which prevented him from continuing his job. Dean drove a school bus for one year and then was hired on as a computer network specialist for the same school district. He worked his way up to a Computer Tech I over the next 5 years and then gained employment with another school district as a Computer Tech III, where he is currently employed.

While working for the Airline, Dean was elected to become a Union Representative. He worked his way up to a regional representative and also held several other offices. During this time he was required to write letters to airline management, government agencies and other entities. While doing this he honed his writing skills.

In 2001 Dean started journaling and this assisted him with his writing skills. In 2006 Dean attended a concert for a popular Alternative Rock band, and later on ended up entering a contest in which a he submitted a concert review for the concert he attended. He was chosen as the winner and was flown to Las Vegas to see the band in concert and meet them. His concert review was published on several of the Band’s web sites. This provided him much comfort and confidence in his writing as this occurred during the beginning stages of this book.

After his trip to Vegas, he entered another contest with MTV, the prize being having the opportunity to introduce the Rock Group’s video on MTV. The band had a video which was in competition with other videos to be the “Video of the Week”. Dean wrote a comment and based on his comment became a finalist in this contest. He created a video introduction to the Rock Group’s video, but the video lost the battle and his introduction was never played on MTV.

Dean has written two short stories, currently journals, has a pen pal who is incarcerated, writes technical documents at work and is written miscellaneous lyrics and poems.
Updated January 18, 2022

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